The Will of John Colet (Ref. 18C1) of London

made on 5th May 1461 and

proved on 27.10.1461



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I John Colet in the Reign of King Edward IV give my Soul to Almighty God my maker and Saviour and to our Blessed Lady St. Mary and to All the Saints of Heaven.  To be buried in the Church of St. Albans in Wood Street London if I die in London


At my burying light six torches burning in the manner accustomed. Another two torches to the Chapel of St. John Baptist in Wendover and another two to the Church of Aston Clinton


An honest priest of good conversation to sing for my soul in said Chapel of Wendover during 10 years


To the church work of Aston Clinton to intent that parishioners pray for my soul 40 shillings among the poor householders of the said parish.  To the church work of St. Albans aforesaid 40 shillings.  To the brotherhood of Taylors of London 40 shillings.  To the lepers at St. Giles without in Holborn 13 shillings and 4 pence.  For the lepers at Kingsland 13 shillings and 4 pence and those at Lokes 13 shillings and 4 pence


To God’s prisoners in Bethlem-without-Bishopsgate 20 shillings.  To the Convent of Friars at Aylesbury to pray for my soul 40 shillings.  To the Parson in Ludgate 40 shillings to be delivered in bread weekly.  To every convent of the four Orders of Friars mendicant in London to pray for my soul 13 shillings and 4 pence


Among the poor folk at Wendover 40 shillings.  To the marriage of five poor maidens of the Parish of Aston Clinton 100 shillings,- viz to each 20 shillings


To my wife Alice as dower and part of goods £200, all wearing clothes, rings etc


I forgive my brother Thomas Colet his debt and he to have £10 over


To Thomas Lambard of Chalfont St. Peter in the County of Buckinghamshire 100 shillings

To my servant William Wadowesson I give 100s and I forgive his debt


I forgive William Frynge, mercer, his debt

To Thomas Chatterley my apprentice £10

To William Dokett £20 shillings











The Will of John Colet (Ref. 18C1) of London

made on 5th May 1461 and

proved on 27.10.1461



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To Robert Colet my son £100

To son John Colet £100

To son Jeffery Colet £100

To daughter Alice £100

To daughter Agnes £100

To daughter Johanne £10


If any sons or daughters die under age or unmarried survivors’ clause among unmarried. If they all die before lawful age or marriage, legacies to be disposed for my soul and their souls, as follows viz. in making a common way called Aylesbury Way between Aylesbury and Wendover in the County of Buckinghamshire and in reparation of the said Chapel of St John the Baptist in Wendover and in ornaments etc £40, and for finding a priest to sing for souls of self and my children there £40 and to the Church of Aston Clinton £20 in alms among poor householders in said town and Parish of Aston Clinton £20, and among those of Wendover, Halton, Weston, Missenden, Ellesborough and Stoke aforesaid £100


In marriage of poor maidens of good name and conversation of London £100


In alms among the lepers about London and God’s prisoners in Bethlem-without-Bishopsgate £60


The £600 bequeathed to my children to remain in the Chapel of Guildhall, London to their use


My interest in all Lands in Southwark in the County of Surrey to make estate to said Robert Colet my son


In default to my son John Colet in tail, in default to my son Jeffery Colet in tail, in default to said Alice, Agnes & Johanne my daughters in fee 


The rest of the goods to be sold and the money to alms and charity in places above named


Said John Colet and the said Thomas Chatterley to be executors


Will proved 27th October 1461 by executors named


John’s wife Alice Colet (Ref. 18C1) and her children:

Robert Colet (Ref. 18D1), John Colet (Ref. 18D2)

Jeffery Colet (Ref. 18D3), Alice Colet (Ref. 18D4)

Agnes Colet (Ref. 18D5) and Johanne Colet (Ref. 18D6)